When I become a Ghost

AF7A58DC-063D-415C-B2E5-8E92F95A7913 2Interestingly enough, I’ve always felt that I would never die.  Peter Pan Complex – never grown up and never grow old.  Terrified of it.  Like most people I suppose.  Maybe it’s my age, or what I do professionally that has softened the blow for me, that yes….. I will absolutely die at some point because that’s just part of life. It’s not a horrible thing – whatever happens next will be quite wonderful I bet.  I think many will be completely surprised at what happens – we all have our own religious ideas of what that might be.  I’ve always wanted to come back as the ghosts in Topper. Remember that old black and white show?  And then of course there’s the fabulous movie my favorite of many favorites called The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.  ::::dreamy sigh:::::: I have ALWAYS wanted my very own ghost Sea Captain.  Sorry guys!! Just give the me salty ghost of a sea captain and I’m a happy camper! LOL  I would consider taking a live one… only if they live up to the one in the movie.  So.

Anyway….  my post this morning has nothing to do with any of the above other than…. my book in my office that I’ve begun called ‘When I Become A Ghost’.  I’ve been up for about an hour or so. Coffee is made, my bed is covered in Scotties (both flannel sheet Scotties and the real kind of scottie dogs). Still in my red and white striped flannel pjs, fluffy socks on.  Jumped back into bed to write this before I started my day.  This was the first thing I wanted to do.  My faithful cup of coffee is by my side in the lovely lemon mug my dear friend Panda gave to me.   I can look out the window and see the most lovely trees that are changing from yellow to a brilliant orange.  I’m smiling.  Happy.  Wiggling my toes every now and then.  Back on to the subject about the ghost book.

My ghost book is for my family.  Instead of “Do this when I Die’ title it’s more humorous I think being called When I become a Ghost.  I told my daughter about this, a few friends, my attorney.  My daughter was completely mortified and showed this by several eye rolls which made me think she was going to levitate or something.  It serves as instructions.  This is very important.  Do you know how many clients I have when I meet them to do an estate sale who are in frantic mode because they don’t know anything they can’t find anything they are in chaos because the deceased did not leave instructions.   Well.  I’ll get a gold star for this when I’m floating around.

My book of instructions entails the following:

  •  introduction with something quippy to ease the loss for my family and friends. Heck, they might be happy – teasing of course. I hope.  Not too sad just a little (although hopefully I’ll still be around just more transparenty)
  • passwords to all my accounts and a list of those accounts
  • bank accounts and information on those
  • life insurance info (boy will you be happier at this point! Live in Paris if you wish!)
  • a few special letters to give to people (I decided NOT to write the ugly ones….. although….. )
  • who gets what specifically houses, property whatever that is at the time
  • a WILL (most important people!!!)
  • instructions for me specifically (cremation baby! Burn baby Burn!) Prepay this if you can
  • What to do with those ashes (boy will you be surprised! One part of it is secret…..)
  • Celebration of life and a signature cocktail (big party coming!)
  • My obituary ….. yes I wrote it myself! There’s even pictures!
  • Throw away anything in my night stand – very important. You wouldn’t BELIEVE some of the very personal things we find in night stands getting ready for an estate sale! Some things we have no idea what in the world you do with them! :::::blushing::::::
  • Instructions for my businesses
  • blah blah blah

anyway…  you get the picture.

Here’s a link to many more things to think about.  Click HERE  

Sure.  People don’t like to think about dying.  It’s scary because we’ve never done it before.  Can you imagine what a relief it would be if we died a few times every few years and get the feel of it.  Exactly. Old hat.   I’ve had too much coffee. lol My mind goes all over the place.

I think for me personally, by leaving specific instructions in my ghost book, I’ve taken a big chunk of the anxiety out of the way.   Peace of mind so to speak.

Now…… I’ve given you something to think about today.  Go forth and do it!!


Not a ghost – yet!

Faithfully yours….. Kimy